Essential Design Skills

If you’re aspiring to be a designer today, it is important to consider that design comes in many forms.  In the age of digital media, it is essential to learn the skills needed to get your design showcased on various platforms.  No longer is design limited to just print.  The web has become a medium to display there beautiful works of art to the world.

You may be saying to yourself, “I’m a Web Designer, so why do I need to know to learn photography or about typography”.  Well the answer is simple… Learning new skills such as basic typography and photography can help you further market yourself and get access to opportunities you didn’t think were available to you.

If your ready to take your career to the next level, here are few skills you may want to learn to take your design career further:

Web Design Tools: Learning to code HTML and CSS, which are relatively easy to learn, can help you start building your own website or portfolio and design it the way you want it to look.  There are a variety of web tools available such as templates and themes that offer the ability to create websites, but being able to code your own site gives you an unlimited palette.

Photography: Creating your own images is another valuable skill that a designer can benefit from acquiring.  Being able to capture high quality images based on the theme of your design can greatly enhance your end product.

Typography: Typography is not limited to print design.  Just imagine that you have a creative and innovative web design idea and you begin to put it all together.  Nothing can ruin your design as fast as a poor choice of font.  Comic Sans is one of those fonts that will make your website look amateur and deter viewers from making return visits.  Learning about typefaces and choosing the right font for your site will go a long way.

These are just a few the skills that I have been honing for myself to take my designs to the next level.  If you want to know some other skills that are valuable to have as a designer, Creative Market offers their top 10 list, which I recommend reading.

10 Valuable Skills Every Designer Should Learn

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